End Of Tenancy Cleaning Edinburgh Prices

Affordable prices for end of tenancy cleaning services in Edinburgh

To estimate the cost of our end of tenancy cleaning, please use the price calculator below. Simply select the service and your property size
End Of Tenancy Cleaning
Moving Home Cleaning
Deep and Spring Cleaning
After Builders Cleaning
Intensive Oven Cleaning
Victorian/Tenement Style
American Style Fridge
I Have Pets
Your estimate for End Of Tenancy Cleaning
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathrooms
  • 1 Reception
  • 1 Floor
  • 1 Hall
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Cleaning cost estimator in Edinburgh

End of tenancy cleaning costs in Edinburgh

When it comes to end of tenancy cleaning in Edinburgh, costs can vary based on several factors. Some landlords may require a basic clean, while others might have more specific requirements.

Average Cost of End of Tenancy Cleaning in Edinburgh

The average cost for an end of tenancy cleaning service in Edinburgh typically ranges from £190-£240 for a one-bedroom apartment, and can go up to £500 for larger properties with multiple bedrooms. While this may seem like a significant expense, it is crucial to consider the potential return on investment. A thorough end of tenancy clean can help ensure you receive your full security deposit back from your landlord. This is especially important in Edinburgh, where rental prices are high, and every penny counts.

Factors Affecting End of Tenancy Cleaning Costs in Edinburgh

Several factors can influence the cost of end of tenancy cleaning in Edinburgh:

  • Property Size: The larger the property, the more time and resources are needed for a thorough clean.
  • Pets and Occupancy: Having pets or multiple occupants can contribute to a higher cost due to additional mess.
  • Landlord Requirements: Some landlords have specific cleaning standards that must be met, which can increase the overall cost. It's essential to discuss these requirements with both your landlord and the cleaning company beforehand to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Optimizing your end of tenancy cleaning in Edinburgh can save you money in the long run, ensuring you meet all requirements and secure your deposit return.

End of tenancy cleaning costs in Edinburgh may seem like a significant expense, but they are crucial for securing your deposit return and maintaining a positive relationship with your landlord. Understanding the factors affecting these costs and optimizing your cleaning process can save money and ensure a smooth transition out of your rental property.

To keep end of tenancy cleaning costs low, plan ahead and communicate clearly with your cleaning service. Consider any additional services that may benefit your situation, such as carpet cleaning or window washing. When moving out of a rental property in Edinburgh, budget for end of tenancy cleaning to avoid surprises and potential disputes with your landlord.

Remember, the cost is a small price to pay for a clean and hassle-free end of tenancy experience. By investing in professional end of tenancy cleaning, you ensure a smooth move-out process and increase the likelihood of getting your deposit back.

Contact Us
Mon - Sat 9am - 7pm
0800 999 8567
If you have any questions regarding our services please use our online contact form and one of our advisors will contact you shortly help@hqcleaning.co.uk
End Of Tenancy Cleaning Prices in Edinburgh
  • Over the past years we have tried to make our website a more convenient and useful for our customers. We have created a powerful booking , quotation and support service system for you.

    No more back and forth scheduling estimates. Our powerful booking system saves you a lot of time

    Our affordable flat rate pricing with no contracts or hidden fees saves your budget.

  • NO! All cleaning products and equipment will be provided by us. We use only professional, high quality and Eco-Friendly cleaning products. Please note: If your property in Victorian/Georgian/Tenement style you must provide a step ladder. ( Step ladder should be safe to use )

  • We believe that this is the most important question when you choosing a professional cleaning service. Yes, yes and again yes!! We can guarantee the quality of our services. Day after day , our professionals provides a quality monitoring, and this means that all our cleaning service provided at the highest standards in the cleaning industry

  • We do not clean the windows from outside, all windows and frames will be cleaned from inside only. We do not clean the curtains and blinds. Floors will only be vacuumed and clean under furniture where is possible, we do not move heavy items we will only work around them.

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